Editorial Rates:

 Full Content and Story line Edits:
$3.25 per double-spaced, 12 point page. Minimum of $25.00.

This price includes two full edits followed generally by a few briefer passes to be sure the manuscript is formatter ready. Throughout the process I will be available to answer questions.

 Optional, Final-stage Proofreading:
$0.75 per double-spaced, 12 point page

Once content and story line editing are complete, I highly recommend a final read-through by a qualified proofreader. Because my proofreader and I work as a team, I am able to offer this service at a low price, and you can depend on thorough and meticulous attention to your manuscript.

Line Editing/Proofreading/Other Projects:

Pricing will vary depending on project.

 Phone Consultations:

Initial phone consultation is free of charge. Subsequent consultations are $25.00 per hour. I am always available free of charge via email to answer your questions!

Contact me to discuss rates for your specific needs